Boost your presense in your neighborhood. Become a nHost.
Join Your Neighborhood Network (YNN)
Collaborate with other neighborhood businesses and promote each other to the local community. Expand awareness of your brand in your own neighborhood and reach the audience closest to your business.

Key Features

Advertise your business hyper-locally in your neighborhood.

Collaborate with other nHosts to promote your neighborhood.

Educate your in-store audience on your business.

YNN custom designs, installs and manages all nBoards.

Increase sales by attracting more foot traffic to your business.

Build closer relationships with other neighborhood business.

Strengthen customer loyalty by boosting their knowledge on your business.

Pay nothing to start building a stronger presence in your neighborhood.
Sign Me Up!

Sign up to join for free.

Wait to hear from us with matching sponsors.

Promote your business in the neighborhood for free with nCoins.
Did someone say free?
Yes! Sponsors fund all of the state-of-the-art marketing technology, installation and support!